ERPNext and Frappe Framework release v13.11, and v13.12.
A highlight of what’s new in ERPNext and Frappe Framework v13.11, and v13.12.

(Cover Image)
A bunch of Engineers at Frappe worked on a handful of features and enhancements in ERPNext and the Frappe framework. Let us take a look at the same.
ERPNext v13.11 and v13.12
E-commerce Refactor
Marica worked on refactoring the e-commerce platform. She created a Website Item to handle all the website-related data. Published item from Item Master (create website item). Consolidated E-commerce Settings (replaced Products and Shopping Cart Settings). She fixed a patch for items in the website items, shopping cart, product settings, e-commerce settings, and homepage products.
Common party accounting
Saqib created a journal on the submission of sales invoices against the customer which has the primary role of a supplier. Here, the journal entry will reconcile the newly created sales invoice and convert the invoice balance into an advance against the supplier. This advance can be used to reconcile purchase invoices against the supplier.
He created a new doctype Party Link which will be introduced to link a customer with a supplier. A new toggle is added to accounts settings to enable/disable the automatic creation of the journal entry.

(Common party accounting)
Add provision for process loss in manufacturing
In the BOM functionality, Alan fixed the set process loss quantity item. The dialog allows setting process loss as a percentage of finished item quantity. It also shows aggregated process loss value and quantity across stock entries, grouped by Work Order.

(Process loss report)
Taxjar Integration update
Subin fixed the Tax calculator, the line items, address validation, and retrieving state codes. He made a product tax category doctype for different tax categories and added fields in intel master and sales item table, tax collectible, taxable amount fields in sales item table that stores the said values from API response.
He corrected the posting of return invoices and shipping address assignment orders.

Add Primary Address and Contact section in Supplier
Marica fixed the multiple primary addresses against a supplier. The user can choose one with the highest priority.

(Primary address and Supplier contact)
Color and Leave Type in leave application calendar
Raffael from the ERPNext community fixed the leave application calendar, which was later approved by Jannat and Rucha. Earlier the leave types were not highlighted and shown in the calendar. The team fixed it and now the leaves are shown in the color, defined in Leave Application.

(Leave calendar)
Handle Asset on Issuing Credit Note
Ganga fixed the creation of credit notes for items that are fixed assets. Now the asset is returned to its original status after issuing the credit note. The asset linked with an item can be copied while creating a credit note. She also fixed general ledger entry creation for return invoices linked with the assets.

(Return invoice)
Depreciate Asset after-sale
Ganga created a fixed asset item and created an asset linked with the fixed asset. She checked the Calculate Depreciation box and entered Finance Books details for the Asset. This will help in creating a Sales Invoice for this Asset. After the users submit the invoice, they can check the depreciation schedule for the asset. And after submitting the credit note against the sales invoice they can check the depreciation schedule again.

(Depreciation schedule)
Treatment Plan Template
Anand configured the input of data entry which becomes a repetitive task for the doctors to make. He made a treatment plan template where all the items can be automatically filled and can be updated on the fly if required.

(Treatment plan template)
Improve Product Bundle handling
Earlier in the product bundles, only parent items were displayed and not the child items. Ganga fixed the data in a tree format. With the sales invoice at the first level, product bundles and non-bundled items at the second level, and the child items at the third level.

(Product bundle)
Selling settings
Ganga added a new checkbox to calculate product bundles based on child items rates. On enabling Calculate Product Bundle Price based on Child Items' Rates the rate column of Packed Items will be made editable. And the rate and price of product bundles in the items table will be updated based on the rates of its child items.

(Selling settings)
Add a new table called Bundle Items to display the child Items of all Parent Bundles listed in the Items table

(Bundle items)
Purchase order
When creating a Purchase Order from a Sales Order, if there are any Product Bundles in the Items table, they'll be replaced with their child Items. Added a new read-only field called Product Bundle in the Items table to store the name of the Product Bundle when the mapping specified above takes place. Made Sales Order field editable so POs can be linked with them later.
Purchase receipt
Added a new read-only field called Product Bundle in the Items table to store the names of Product Bundles when a Purchase Receipt is created from a Purchase Order that was created from a Sales Order containing Product Bundles.
Purchase invoice
Added a new read-only field called Product Bundle in the Items table to store the names of Product Bundles when a Purchase Invoice is created directly from a Purchase Order that was created from a Sales Order containing Product Bundles, or from a Purchase Receipt that was created from such a Purchase Order.
Merge POS invoices based on customer group
Deepesh fixed the POS invoices. Now the customers can be merged based on the customer group. The user can select ‘merge voice-based on’ customer group and select the group customer based on which the invoices have to be merged.

(POS invoice)
Get items from material requests in the purchase order
While fetching Material Request in Purchase Order, checking "Select Individual Items" will switch enable users to select/filter Material Request Item.
Validity dates in Tax Withholding Rates
Replaced fiscal year in tax withholding rates with from and to date and patched existing records by Fiscal Year Start and End Dates.
Toggle for reduced depreciation rate as per IT Act
Saqib added a toggle in the Finance Book to enable/disable the automatic reduction in the depreciation rate.
Deduct the TDS using Journal Entry
Refactored TDS payable monthly report to show the TDS data which was created using Journal Entry.

(Journal entry)
Party specific item
Users can set the specific items to the supplier. While making purchase transactions, the user can see the items which are linked to the respective supplier.
Provision to add scrap items in the job card
Rohit added a child table in which the user can define the scrap items. These scrap items will be added in the Stock Entry with type as "Manufacture".

(Scrap items)
Frappe Framework v13.11 and v13.12
Ability to select a child in multi-select dialog
Here you will see a checkbox, select individual items to toggle between child item selection and parent item selection. Once you toggle it, all the individual items material requests will be listed from all the queried material requests. The user can now filter these items for selection.

(Select material request)
Choose Letterhead when printing multiple documents from List / Report
Raffael from the community fixed up the Letterhead option. Now the system will allow the user to choose letterhead while printing individual documents.

(Option to select letterhead)
Add number format parameter in fmt_money
The system will explicitly define a number format when using fmt_money, especially for print format purposes.
Multi-select dialog child table filtering
Earlier there was no option to filter exact child documents linked with a particular parent document. Now the system will consider all the parent doctype filters while fetching child documents.
For a full list of fixes and more details, visit the discussion forum:
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